Saturday, October 16, 2010

Old friends are best, sometimes

I went back to an old standby today, the original and award-winning Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie. I've been making this cookie since college, and I won the People's Choice award at the Monterey County Fair with this delight.

My motives were many. 

I'm still sick and wanted some comfort food. More importantly, a friend went into the hospital early this morning (more like late last night) to deliver her baby. By mid-afternoon she was still laboring. I figured her family and friends would welcome the sustenance. I don't know if she'll want to or be allowed to eat during labor. But if she does/is, then this will be a mighty treat for her too. 

I managed to bake these without a single BLT (Bite, Lick or Taste in WW jargon) because I wore a medical mask. I didn't want to contaminate the cookies with any of my germs. I felt incredibly virtuous afater accomplishing that task, but I ate far too many of them once they cooled. Darn. 

I am still under my points limit thanks to the weekly allowance and activity points, so I'm hopeful for my weigh-in tomorrow. Eating a lot of sugar the nght before a weigh-in is never smart. But I really love these cookies (yes, LOVE) so it was worth it. This time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the cookies! I did finally get to eat some on Sunday, before they got devoured by everyone else. And of course, they were delicious :) I even had to rescue the last cookie from my Dad's grip on Tuesday for myself - I had been eyeing it all day and he was about to devour it!
