Monday, October 11, 2010

Honey Refrigerator Cookies

I'm going to think of these as a period piece. A genre representing their time: 1942. Sugar was being rationed, pennies were being pinched, belts were being tightened, and there wasn't a lot of risk-taking going on in the kitchen. 

Granted, I let my dough "ripen" for an extra day (three instead of the recommended two), but my honey cookies didn't look anything like the photo in the book. Theirs retained the rectangular shape from the fridge. Mine went in rectangular and came out circular. Theirs look dense, compact even. Mine were airy and chewy and expanded to almost 1 1/2 times the original size. 

The book says these also improve "immeasurably" with age, so I'll have to lock them up in the Tupperware and hide them. It also says they go well with cheese, which I do not find an admirable trait in a cookie, so I'm left wondering a lot about this recipe. To each her own.

But I haven't lost one bit of enthusiasm for The Gourmet Cookie Book because coming up next are Cinnamon Sugar Crisps, and I love, LOVE, love cinnamon. 

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