Monday, April 4, 2011

Dear Blog, It isn't you, it's me...

Dear Blog,

I don't know where to start. I've thought a lot about you, but I just couldn't bring myself to write until today. It's not that I haven't been baking, I just haven't been baking from the Gourmet Cookie Book. I hope that doesn't make things worse between us.

I have a lot of other interests, and I take good care of my family, and I got a promotion at work recently...  and really, there is so precious little time in every day. I'm going to make it up to you. In time you'll see that I have it in me to honor the commitment I made. In the meantime, I wanted to show you a few things...

For Christmas, my dear cousin Jennifer gave me the Cookie Pro Ultra II Cookie Press. This toy tool has completely changed my life. I use it ALL THE TIME. The son and I love to add food coloring to the dough and make fun colors and shapes. These cookies are made and eaten faster than you can say Cookie-Pro-Ultra-II-Cookie-Press, but I managed to snap a quick picture a while back.

The pictures doesn't do the process justice, but the cookie press knows how I feel about her. That's all that really matters.

This is what I made for St. Patrick's Day. One platter for the son's classroom, one for the husband's work-suite, and one for my lovely coworkers.

Four leaf clovers and rainbows with gold pieces at each end. I didn't think this up, I got the whole idea here. I loved the concept and will do it again. I didn't love the recipe as much, but I have other refrigerator sugar cookie recipes to work with.

Here is my last offering. This comes from the Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day cookbook that my sister gave me.

I've talked about this cookbook before, and it has Changed My Life. Seriously.This piece of beauty is the brioche bread recipe turned into cinnamon pecan rolls. They are delicious. I plan to double the filling (butter, sugar, spices) next time, and they will be heavenly.

So... I wanted you to know that I still think about you and I'm trying to arrange things in my life so we can spend more time together. Even the son wants to bake from the GCB again soon.

OK. That's all I have for now. Bye bye bye bye bye.